This is Sam's (my grandfather) famous carrot cake recipe. Everyone who knew him knows of his famous carrot cake. He would always have some available for...
Banana sheet cake with cream cheese frosting, perfect for a large gathering. This super banana flavored cake paired with the sweet and tangy cream cheese...
Made with fresh red beets. It is delicious, nice and moist, a recipe that has been in the family a long time. You would not believe how good it is until...
Made with fresh red beets. It is delicious, nice and moist, a recipe that has been in the family a long time. You would not believe how good it is until...
Moist, rich, and chocolatey, flavored with cinnamon and espresso coffee. I first made this when I was 14 and it was gone in no time! It's still a family...
This is a simple recipe for ginger bread. It is sold mostly in the Chiriqui province of Panama and is very popular. It uses fresh ginger so the flavor...
This is a simple recipe for ginger bread. It is sold mostly in the Chiriqui province of Panama and is very popular. It uses fresh ginger so the flavor...
This is a simple recipe for ginger bread. It is sold mostly in the Chiriqui province of Panama and is very popular. It uses fresh ginger so the flavor...
This is a simple recipe for ginger bread. It is sold mostly in the Chiriqui province of Panama and is very popular. It uses fresh ginger so the flavor...
My mom's old recipe, slightly modified. If you like, you can make an adorable Easter bunny with two types of cake; vanilla body, chocolate ears, and coconut...
This recipe was modified from several that I found at the Cake Recipe site, some of it is taken from the recipe for Secret Cake, but it has other random...
My Grandfather (Sam) was famous for this cake. Everyone who knew him, knows of his famous carrot cake. He would always have some available for anyone who...
This recipe was modified from several that I found at the Cake Recipe site, some of it is taken from the recipe for Secret Cake, but it has other random...
My Grandfather (Sam) was famous for this cake. Everyone who knew him, knows of his famous carrot cake. He would always have some available for anyone who...
This is Sam's (my grandfather) famous carrot cake recipe. Everyone who knew him knows of his famous carrot cake. He would always have some available for...
This is Sam's (my grandfather) famous carrot cake recipe. Everyone who knew him knows of his famous carrot cake. He would always have some available for...
My Grandfather (Sam) was famous for this cake. Everyone who knew him, knows of his famous carrot cake. He would always have some available for anyone who...
The base of this rainbow sheet cake is a super simple vanilla cake that is topped with cream cheese frosting. You can use any vanilla cake recipe here...